New Tumblers

Hello everyone!  I wanted to share with you some of my latest creations for some satisfied customers.  If you are interested in ordering a custom designed tumbler, please comment on here or message me on facebook by clicking on the link below.   Let me know what you have in mind and I’ll see what I can do.  Thanks!!  I hope to hear from you soon!  

Message Me.  To access facebook messenger.

Daily Questions

Last week, I participated in a webinar for my teaching credentials. The training was originally going to focus on summer activities for teachers to provide families of young children that would correlate with continuing  learning goals throughout the summer. The presenters did a wonderful job changing the presentation to fit our present situation with the current pandemic. Not only did the focus include the  students and families, but also the educators.

Several slides from the presentation came off a website where they were downloadable for free.  I saved a few of them.  I was looking at them today, and found one I wanted to share.


“Daily Quarantine Questions”


What am I grateful for today?

Today my son was offered a job on the spot at the first interview.  He also just finished off his second year of college.  I am very grateful for my son.


Who am I checking on or connecting with today?


I have distance myself from many people since all this has began.  I try and check in with my parents via text every day or so.  I guess reading Facebook status makes me feel connected with the world.


What expectations of normal am I letting go of today?


Well today, I did not fix dinner.  My son was out playing disc golf with a friend and my husband was working late.  I have not skipped cooking dinner very often since we’ve been at home.  I really can’t think of how normal is going to be after this is all over.


How am I getting outside today?


I have not been outside today.  Some days are like that.  A couple days a week I walk around the neighborhood.


How am I moving my body today?


Not much today.


What beauty am I either creating, cultivating, or inviting in today?


I am currently creating 2 cups for teacher gifts.  They are turning out pretty cute.  Today I started creating a digital teacher’s planner.  Maybe I can find someone interested in it.


Well, I feel that I didn’t do well with the quarantine questions today.  Tomorrow I will try and do better.  How are you doing?  Are you able to give a positive answer to them?  Maybe it is something you can reflect on as well.  Let me know!

Mother’s Day Thoughts

This Sunday we are celebrating Mother’s Day.  I miss being a mom to young children.  Now they are young adults.  I’m still mothering my soon-to-be 20-year-old son.  We are almost finished with finals week.  He has one more exam and one major project to submit by Sunday night.  After that I do not know what the boy is going to do with his time.

I miss when my kids were young.  I miss their hugs and kisses.  I miss picking out their clothes, driving them places, and seeing their performances either in sports or music.  I love that I have those memories.  My Facebook memories this week are all about proms and high school achievements.

My husband asked me last night what I want for Mother’s Day.  I usually get some kind of lawn ornament and flowers for the yard.  He wants to get new yard lights.  So I know that will be one thing I will receive. He said we could go shopping Saturday at the local Walmart and Menards.  I reminded him we need to get something for his mom too.  It will most likely be something lawn related.

I mailed a homemade card to my mom who lives in Missouri.  I know that she hinted that she wanted me to come down for the weekend.  Unfortunately,  I don’t feel right about leaving town at this time.  I will give her a gift when I do make it down, hopefully in early June.

So what are your Mother’s Day plans?  Will you see your children?  I will be missing my daughter, but hope to talk to her.  I wish that we could video chat.  We will see about that.  Do you have any traditions?   It will be different this year. That is for sure!!

I hope that you have a great Mother’s Day weekend!

May Day

Happy May Day! As a teacher, May Day was a fun day filling up cups with gum drops, popcorn and M&M’s with the children. They enjoyed sneaking around the school and dropping them off for school staff members.  I think the kids enjoyed sampling the goodies along the way most of all.  I would let them make one to take home as well.
This year there will be no fun activities like this in classrooms around here. I hope that the families will continue making May Day baskets this year. It is a social distancing activity as they can be left on neighbors front steps. I know it sure would make my day!
What are some May Day activities have you done in the past? Are you making any baskets today? Please leave a comment and share with me!